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University Centre Petroc – Adult Learners

As an adult learner you have developed the core skills to make HE study easier than if you were 18.

Geoff Corffe went straight into the world of work but could only progress so far, until he needed an HE level qualification. He felt that as an adult learner he had the confidence that he wouldn’t have had at 18. He feels that his career now has a clear progression route that he wouldn’t have otherwise had.

Colin Eastman’s HE study is supported by his employer to help his career progression. As an adult he found that although there were more factors to consider studying later on in life, he has the time management skills to cope.

Davie Stevenson didn’t know what to do at university so went into a level 4 qualification to help consolidate is options, whilst being able to explore facilities at college. The course helped him forge independence and confidence in his abilities, his learning journey is about more than just the end goal. For Davie he had the convenience of staying at home and building educational credits.

Do you feel you want want more career progression? Check out these films:

Don’t think HE is for you? Time to think again:

Concerned about juggling family life and studying? There are ways to make it work:

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