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Partners & Providers

Next Steps South West…

The Office for Students (OfS) Uni Connect project for Devon, Cornwall, and Somerset.

Partners & Providers

What your collaboration means

Next Steps South West (NSSW) is the local Uni Connect project bringing together higher education providers, further education colleges, schools, the third sector, local agencies and employers, in the region. Collaboration is a key feature of the national programme and critical to its ongoing success. This approach enables us to provide progressive and sustained outreach and signposting tailored to the needs of local areas, so young people and adults returning to study can access robust and impartial information needed at key transition points.

About us
Partners & Providers

Resource sharing

Having a range of partners enables us to provide young people, schools, colleges, parents and carers with a host of impartial information. We collate resources and opportunities from other providers across all our platforms, we have dedicated sections of our Events + Activities pages: ‘Partner Events’ and ‘Other Opportunities’. Let us know if you are running an event or activity that we could share, on our website, in our emails or on social.

Communications Strategy
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