The Year 10 Study Skills Mentoring programme has been designed by NSSW, using material from The Study Skills Handbook by Stella Cottrell
Course details
- Pupils are mentored in study skills strategies
- 4-week programme, 1 hour/week
- For Year 10 pupils who would benefit from small group mentoring
- Group size is one tutor to 3 pupils
- The content of the programme includes:
- Memory techniques
- Learning styles and active learning strategies
- Time management
- Stress management
- The expected outcome is that pupils develop knowledge and implementation of effective learning and study strategies
- The course is delivered by trained Student Ambassadors from NSSW partner institutions, supported by NSSW Institutional Officers
- Up to 5 tutors per session, 15 pupils
- Eligibility: NSSW selected Attainment Raising schools
- Cost: There is no cost for eligible schools
- The course is delivered at school, at a mutually convenient time
- Selected Year 10 pupils must be available to attend sessions at this time, for the full 4 weeks
- Initially, one 4-week course is available per school
- Delivered before Easter
- Available dates and bookings through Institutional Officers
Pupils will complete skills audits in week one and week four. NSSW will analyse pre- and post- course data to assess progress towards raised attainment.