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Supporting your child to make informed decisions

Supporting your child to make informed decisions

In an ideal world, the earlier a person starts thinking about their future the better, but we know that this is easier said than done.

The more a parent or carer knows about higher education, the more support they’ll be able to offer. The following pages of this guide will get you up to speed with the information you need to know, from choosing GCSEs right through to the application process.

In addition, a simple, yet effective exercise you can do with your child is to research as many different careers as possible. Try having them think about the different factors, such as:

  • the required skills
  • the working environment
  • the working hours
  • a typical working day
  • qualifications required
  • career progression

They don’t have to decide on a particular career at this stage, but by developing their knowledge of what’s out there, and where their interests could lead, they will start to see the bigger picture of how their education becomes a platform on which they can build. They will be able to start identifying their own skills and strengths, and the subjects and environments that they enjoy most (indoors, outdoors, in laboratories etc.).

When seeing the relevance of what they are doing in school, the whole process becomes a lot more meaningful. They’ll also be much better prepared when it comes to choosing GCSEs and post-16/18 options!

Next: Your child’s options

Previous: What are the benefits of higher education


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