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Cornwall College – Adult Learners

Does your job hold a future for you that you want? Don’t be afraid of change

Toby said working in the building trade for decades was physically demanding and unsustainable, and culminated in surgeries. Realising he needed to change his career path, Toby started a level 2 Counselling Skills course to see if it was right for him… and he has continued his studies. He says that most of the obstacles he felt about studying at HE were his own fears and anxieties and his own abilities, which luckily he has proved himself wrong about. In this field of study, he says, experience is highly valuable and the diversity of the people you study with enriches the process.

Do you feel you want want more career progression? Check out these films:

Feel that you don’t have the skills to study at HE? Watch these films:

Don’t think HE is for you? Time to think again:

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