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Clearing – Making the call

By: Bill Thrall

It’s natural to feel a little anxious before making a clearing call to a university. Ultimately, though, the worst that can happen is that they say ‘no’, and you won’t ever have to speak to them again. And remember, the call is as much for you as it is for them, so make a note of any questions that you might have.

Clearing calls may range from quick and simple checks of your A-level results to more of an ‘interview’ style format. Stick to the following and you’re onto a winner.

Before calling a university

  1. Get your contact list of unis and colleges you would like to apply to ready.
  2. Have your UCAS number, BTEC/A-level/IB results at hand.
  3. Make some notes on each course and university you want to apply to through clearing (before you ring them) – they may ask why you’re interested in them.
  4. Re-read and print out your personal statement for reference.
  5. Have a pen and paper to write down any details, contacts or most importantly, the application code if they accept you.
  6. Make sure your phone is charged and that you’re somewhere where you won’t be disturbed.
  7. Prepare any questions that you might have.

During the phone call

  1. Be patient – you may not go through straight away and be put on hold for a while. Unis and colleges are busy and are receiving lots of calls.
  2. Manage your time wisely – if you tried a few times and can’t get through to one uni/college, move onto the next one and try again later. Remember, you can get acceptance codes from as many as you want, but you can only apply to one at a time.
  3. In case you have to ring back or if the phone cuts out, write down names, emails and phone numbers.
  4. Speak clearly and confidently – don’t be afraid to be honest and ask as many questions as you need.
  5. Referring to your personal statement and the notes you made on the course/uni/reasons you chose them, sell yourself! Explain why you think you’d be a great addition to the course, using specific examples and skills and how they relate.
  6. If they can’t offer you what you want, just say ‘thank you’ and move onto the next university.
  7. If they do make you an offer, they’ll give you a code, so write it down.

After the phone call

  1. You may receive one verbal offer and be happy, or you may want to ring a few and receive a few offers – whatever the case, once you’re done, pick your favourite and head straight to UCAS Track to do the admin work.
  2. Finally, take a deep breath, and relax. You did it! You have survived clearing and gained a place at a college or university. Make sure you update Student Finance and Accommodation application, then go and enjoy your summer – wherever that may be!

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