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Clearing – Doing Your Research

By: Lucy Jelf Johnson

Becoming a Clearing candidate might feel like a compromise at first, but once you start exploring the vacancies available you’ll realise there are plenty of unique and exciting courses still open to you.

Try following the steps below to make your new shortlist…

  1. Think back to the start of your UCAS application, are any of your original selection going into Clearing?
  2. Is there another course running at any of your preferred universities/colleges that interests you?
  3. Search the course title you originally applied for and see which universities/colleges are still recruiting for a similar study programme.
  4. Once you’ve narrowed your search to 5-10 courses, check out each institution’s website and social media to get a feel for life on campus. You can usually download an online version of their prospectus too.
  5. Build an honest picture of what it’s like to study on each course, and compare the pros and cons. You’ll find helpful information on websites such as Which?, The Student Room, and What Uni?
  6. Seal the deal! Once you’ve made your decision, it’s time to pick up the phone.


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