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Life After Results Day

Life After Results Day

So, A-level results day has come and gone, and according to a BBC headline, ‘A-level students have been awarded the highest proportion of As and A*s since 2012

Now that all those worries and emotions that led up to the big day have subsided, many will be feeling excited and apprehensive about the next stage of their journey, but what if you’re one of the ones who didn’t get the grades you hoped for? What if you are unable to attend the university that you really wanted to?

Don’t panic, you are certainly not alone, and there will be plenty of people around who can help you plan your next move. Below are a few questions that you might have asked yourself with a few tips on what to do next:

Clearing is a second chance process for applicants who didn’t receive offers, declined their offers, or who did not meet the entry requirements. It’s a chance for universities to fill vacant spaces on their courses with students who are seeking places. The process is designed to help you choose the best path for you and there are many great universities with places available through clearing.

You may be thinking that it is the end of the world if you haven’t met the requirements for your dream course, or that you had everything mapped out and now have to change route. Maybe you weren’t 100% sure of what you wanted to do but had found a course that interested you and you now have to start all over again. That’s ok! Many people don’t receive their first choice university or course and still make a success of themselves. First things first: don’t panic! There are plenty of options to help you get to the place you want to go.

The best option to get personal advice on your situation would be to talk to your school so they can advise you of the best routes available.

Many people don’t receive their first choice university or course and still make a success of themselves.

In 2017, over 60,000 students went to university or college through clearing. You can see what clearing courses are available here. Are any of your original choices in clearing? Is there a course running at your preferred university that appeals to you? Perhaps there is a course that you want to do at a different university?

Don’t rush in to any decision. Instead, weigh up the pros and cons and have a thorough look through the university website and course pages to ensure you want to commit. Don’t just accept any course without doing your research just because you want to go to university in September or because it’s what ‘everyone else’ is doing, make sure it’s what YOU want to do.

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Life After Results Day

To go through clearing, you will need to pick up the phone and talk to different universities. This may seem frightening but get yourself prepared so you have everything to hand. There will be many people in the same boat as you so don’t worry if you don’t get through to someone straight away. Get organised with your clearing number, A-level/BTEC results, the course name and code and why it appeals to you.

Top tip: keep your personal statement close to you so you can refer to it if questioned!

Speak clearly, confidently, and be enthusiastic about the course and university. If they don’t make an offer, don’t worry about it, move on to the next choice. If an offer is made, jot down the code and log into your UCAS account to ‘add clearing choice’ to confirm your decision.

Congratulations! You will receive a confirmation letter from the university. Now the hard work is done, don’t forget to update your student finance and accommodation application.

What if I feel I should have received a higher grade?

If you were anticipating higher grades but didn’t get what you expected, you may be able to appeal.

Firstly, you should check in with your school and subject teachers. They may well already be looking into why the results were not as high as expected. If the grade you received affects your place at a university, it is possible for your school to appeal against your grade on your behalf. This will include:

  • A re-check
  • A review of marking
  • Access to scripts
  • Post-results review of moderation

The deadline for any enquires relating to A-level results is Thursday 23rd August 2018.

In 2015, around 28,500 A-level grades were amended through the appeal process, and 99% of these results were improved. If you are still unhappy with the outcome with the appeal, it is also possible to make an appeal to Ofqual- the exam board regulator. This will also need to be done through your teacher or exams officer.

What if I did better than expected?

If you received better grades than your offers stated, and you want to try and get into a more competitive university or change your course, visit the adjustments page on UCAS. This is available until 31st August.

Register for Adjustment on the UCAS Track page and start ringing universities or colleges that you are interested in. If you try Adjustment but don’t find anything, you’ll still keep the course you qualified for on results day. It is completely optional but other applicants might have missed the entry requirements or swapped courses, and places do become available.

What if I’ve decided I don’t want to go to university this year?

Your results day may have not gone as you expected, or it may have made you realise that university is not what you want right now, or ever, and that is normal.

University is not for everyone but there are other options you can take to pursue the career you want. You may not be fully confident with the decision you’ve made or what you want to do in the future and want more time to research and look at your options. There is no one right way to go after A-levels and everyone takes different paths. You could take a gap year, find a job to earn some money, get some work experience to find out where your interests lie and what you might like to pursue.

Whatever the outcome of your results and whether they have gone well or not quite as you’d expected, you’re through it now and can start planning and preparing for your future.

Don’t give up if it hasn’t gone your way. Stay calm and try and find another route to your preferred destination. It’s disappointing to feel like you haven’t achieved your goal, but it really isn’t the end of the world. You might not be on the path you had planned to be on but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a better one for you.

There is never only one pathway, you may just have to work a bit harder to get there but it will be worth it when you do!

Need more information? Download our handy Clearing Guide.

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