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Clearing: Don’t panic – It’s not over yet!

Clearing: Don’t panic – It’s not over yet!

By: Bill Thrall

For those who don’t receive the grades they needed to get onto their preferred UCAS choice, it can feel like the end of the world, but every year Clearing gives thousands of people a second chance. It’s a time when universities publish their vacancies and give you the chance to apply for a course that you do meet the entry requirements for.

In fact, many people who make it to university through Clearing say that although they were initially upset about not getting on to their first choice, it worked out for the best in the end.

During the Clearing period, you should check universities’ websites to see what vacancies they have, but don’t forget to revisit or refresh these pages as courses are removed once they’ve been filled.

Alongside Clearing runs Adjustment. Adjustment is for people who have exceeded their predicted grades and wish to change to a course that they previously didn’t think they’d be able to get on to.

Did you know that Clearing actually runs until 23rd October?

Unlike Clearing courses, universities don’t have a list of vacancies for Adjustment. Instead, you’ll need to search for their courses online and contact them directly.

During the Clearing and Adjustment period, which officially kicks off on 16th August 2018, universities and colleges will have ‘hotlines’ published on their homepages. So, if you haven’t done as well as you hoped, or have done better than you expected, Clearing and Adjustment just might be able to help you rewrite your future.

So, what are you waiting for?

Need more information? Download our handy Clearing Guide.

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