When you are fresh out of school and wondering n ow what to do with your life, choosing a university can be a really difficult journey to navigate. There are so many things to consider and comprehend: will you be far away from home? What about finance? Entry requirements? Courses? With all of these things to think about in the application process, it might be hard to narrow down the universities that are just right for you. So, here are 5 top tips to help you as you progress towards Higher Education!
Consider the facilities and specific course facilities. No matter how long you are studying at university, a library is a useful and quiet space to get away from the noise and bustle, to buckle down on that last minute project or assignment! The perfect place for book lovers, a library is often essential when thinking about where to study and focus the best. Accessibility is also a huge factor to consider! If you are a wheelchair user or require extra support around campus, check out ramps and accessible entrances to buildings, parking spaces and toilet facilities.
Location, location, location! It is so important to think about connections- will you be getting the train to the campus? Driving? Or maybe you would like to stay close to home- perhaps even attend a university that you can walk to from your house! You might even wish to stay in your home town but move into student halls or accommodation for a new experience. Everyone has a unique experience, so consider whether you’d like to travel across the country and visit somewhere new, rural or urban, near or far. Think about how easy it will be to come home in the holidays or meet with friends.
What are the entry requirements? Even if you did not quite receive the grades that you would have liked for your A – Levels / GCSEs etc, there will be a university that offers the course that is right for you. After all, the perfect grades are nice if you get them, but it is definitely not the ‘be all and end all’ of your chances at being accepted into a university. Think about the work experience required, your communication skills and perseverance. There are so many things that universities look for, so make sure that when it comes to application you are well-equipped with evidence of practical skills and creativity, and not just good grades.
Finance! Probably one of the biggest concerns of all uni students, managing your finances once you leave home can feel really daunting. Don’t worry! There are lots of resources out there designed to help you with money at university, such as student discounts and finance apps. Second – hand clothes apps like Vinted are great at helping you to save loads of money when buying new clothes. It is also a good way to make money! Selling your old clothes is easy and a great way to squeeze in an extra bit of money once you grow out of them! Consider maybe a part-time job whilst you study – at a cafe or somewhere that is easy for you to get to.
Which universities offer the course you would like to study? Think about the subjects that you enjoy. There is no point in studying for years a subject you don’t enjoy, as you won’t be motivated! Remember to consider the potential careers that a course might lead to and whether they sound like something that you would like. Once again, researching specific course facilities is essential. For example, a degree in microbiology might require advanced modern technology such as microscopes. Does the university fulfil your needs as a student?
There are so many factors to consider when choosing a university that often might feel quite overwhelming! These are different for everyone and their needs/ what they would like to get out of their university. Hopefully these tips should help with the process of picking a university that will be perfect for you.
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